My Game 6 is "3D Platformer". If you want to join in either with the same Genre or your own, use the tag 12Games12Weeks on Twitter and/or, I would love to see what you create in this time also!
The most basic MVP would be a 3D level that can be transversed. An orbit camera. One Enemy type. End Goal. Maybe some pickups.
Took ~10 hours of work to complete. Found an animation/character controller and an enemy pack on the asset store that I used to jump start the game. Otherwise character/enemies would have been primatives. Game can be found here:
What When Right?
- Using fast prototyping tools, really helped with dev speed (pro-builder, models/animations off of the asset store.)
- Was able to re-use some sounds/models/scripts/etc from prior projects, which helped with dev time.
- Melee combo system (really wasn't part of the MVP, but didn't take much to make happen)
What When Wrong?
- Enemies AI can be baited off of platforms and can't deal with objects on their platform. I choose to skip fixing this to get done. I was quite mentally tired at the time I got to the 'fix this' in my list of task and just 'fixed' most of it with level design. (yes a few physics.xCasts would be able to solve the issue)
What Lesson(s) Did I learn?
- Consistency is much better then drive for getting in the grove for getting things done.
What did I take away?
- Melee combo system is both 1 - fun to play and 2 - not that hard to implement
Milestones/Workflow/Tool Usage
- dummy level to test on
- Moving/animatting/etc character
- Enemy on screen, taking damage, AI, attacking
- Player taking damage
- Collectables
- Menu/UI stuff
- Build level
What would I do if I was to work further on this (Expanded from an MVP to a full game)?
- better art
- more enemies
- more attacks
- more puzzles
- more levels
- level select with collectibles found status.
- simple story?
- better audio - I am looking at you jump sound :D