My Game 1 is "Racing Game". If you want to join in either with the same Genre or your own, use the tag 12Games12Weeks on Twitter and/or, I would love to see what you create in this time also!
The most basic racing game could be a square with physics moving around the screen with some collision. I am going to up this slightly and make simple 3D racing game. One vehicle, one level/course, UI for lap count/speed/lap speed would be the primary items
Took ~5 hours of work, one of which was fighting with an issue with the pause menu and controller support. Game can be found here :
What When Right?
- Learned some new Blender stuff
- Car Physics were easy to get a hold of
- Unity Tutorial on Wheel Collider
- Lap tracking system worked out well
- Used a sequence of triggers that are enabled one at a time to track process around the track
What When Wrong?
- Figuring out how to get the menu system happy with controller input
- Odd physics issue with car (body collider moved on me when I put the 'modeled' body on)
- Weird Click in audio
What Lesson(s) Did I learn?
- Put useful snippets of code were I can find them easily so I am not digging through projects to find them.
What did I take away?
- I would like to work out a generic menu controller script/package as I keep reinventing the wheel for menus
- I would like to work out a joystick remapping tool / Event Manager Script as Xbox controllers are mapped differently on all 3 of the PC platforms and the build in Unity Input system is non-functional when it comes to remapping.
Milestones/Workflow/Tool Usage
- Moving vehicle
- Unity to build plane and basic car via primitives, got physics working on basic car.
- Script for user input to activate car
- Nice looking track car / audio
- Blender to build road & archway models
- Gimp for road texture
- Build scripts for archway for if it was enable to activate the particle system and enable its ability to send 'next' to the track tracker
- Used Audacity to record myself making an engine sound then clipped it down into a short loop (couldn't get ride of the clicking sound - seemed to be an artifact of the recording start/stop)
- UI / Track progress
- Car script controls the power to the wheels, angling of the wheels, wheel rotation, engine sound based on player input, feedback from the wheel colliders, and rididbody speed/direction.
- Track tracker sends a lap complete message to the timing script at the completion of each lap & sends messages to enable arches
- Timing script also handled the menus, it does the count down, tracks the lap count and total time, sends message to car to start/stop it
What would I do if I was to work further on this?
- More levels
- Level Select Screen
- Scenery
- Music
- Leaderboard
- Better Audio
- Input Remaping
- Options Menu
ReplyDeleteIt is really a great challenge you set for yourself here! And for the 5 hours you spent on the first game, it turned out better than I had expected!
However, I have a few suggestions for your post mortem:
A few more words to each point would be great. You mentioned that the lap system and the car physics went well, but the reader doesn't really have any clue about the specific system, maybe a few words about the approach? - e.g. For the lap system I used triggers to check if the checkpoints were passed, a lap can only be finished successfully if all triggers were activated. After each lap, the triggers get reset.
I would also be interested in your workflow: you mentioned the concepts in the previous post and posted 2 references for wheel colliders in Unity. It would also be interesting to know more about your approach: How and for what did you use Blender and Audacity, what were your major milestones during development of this prototype (for example).
Great work for ~5 hours, you've made a decent MVP! Excellent way to start off your 12 games in 12 weeks :)
ReplyDeleteI updated the post based on your feedback. I mostly noted what was different then the planning document and added some details.