My Game 12 is "RTS". If you want to join in either with the same Genre or your own, use the tag 12Games12Weeks on Twitter and/or, I would love to see what you create in this time also!
- Construction/
Resource collection ability
3 unit types (to enable RPS) (maybe 4 -> +worker/collector)
- HQ
- Unit Generation? (or make this upgrades on the HQ building)
- AI for Opponent
Fog of War?
Took ~20 hours of work to complete. Basically nothing from prior games was able to be use. I started 2D, but then realized I would have to work out pathfinding/etc. so I switched to 3D. I got unit construction and Unit AI/Damage working then moved on to "Side" AI, then end/load screens. You can find the game here:
What When Right?
- Tank Prefab trick to have 1 tank that gets told what type it is, then it builds itself up correctly.
What Lesson(s) Did I learn?
- RTS has lots of moving parts that are not 'default' in the engine.
- Smart AI is hard, interesting AI not as bad.
What did I take away?
- This definitely could be used as a playground for making a better AI with a few improvements (RPS units, resource collection) - right now it is mostly about focusing units to have more units at a combat.
- I over scoped the MVP.
- A good RTS relies on information, counters, choices.
Milestones/Workflow/Tool Usage
- 2D version of fighting tanks
- scrap 2D version
- build 3D tank models
- Build 3D terrain for map
- Tank select/send to location code
- tank moving code
- Build 3D model for base
- Spawning code
- tank combat code (&*^% angle processing to get the aiming to work correctly)
What would I do if I was to work further on this (Expanded from an MVP to a full game)?
- better art
- Resource gathering
- Build queues
- Unit groups
- alerts & jump to alert
- Better AI for AI commander
- Fully implement the RPS for the tanks
- audio
- multiple maps
- multiplayer (a whole different story with the amount of moving stuff in the game, I think RTS games are deterministic and only need to sent input syncing commands back and forth..)
- lots other.