My Game 10 is "Action Adventure". If you want to join in either with the same Genre or your own, use the tag 12Games12Weeks on Twitter and/or, I would love to see what you create in this time also!
I believe that the MVP for an Action Adventure game would be to to take the 3D platformer and add a puzzle or two.
Took ~2 hours of work to complete. I started with the 3D platformer project, added a door that unlocks when 3 switches are thrown and added a Jump switch trigger. You can find the game here:
What When Right?
- Starting with the 3D platformer base project made this a snap. The modularity and decoupling that was used (delegate patterns/etc) made adding new functionality a snap.
What Lesson(s) Did I learn?
- Starting with a good foundation and patterns makes adding new functionality a snap.
- Small Point lights that don't cast shadows can be used to nice effect without a significant performance hit if used appropriately.
What did I take away?
- Game Dev starts to get really fun after you break through the "Early levels" of taking a lot of work to just get something happening on the screen.
Milestones/Workflow/Tool Usage
- Copy 3D Platformer project to new folder
- Create door
- Create behavior script
- Create On/Off door gems
- Create 'Jump' switches
- Clean up some lighting and colors, so the switches & gems were visible from a ways away
What would I do if I was to work further on this (Expanded from an MVP to a full game)?
- better art
- more enemies
- more/better FXs (both visual and audio)
- more quests/areas
- NPCs to interact with
- More attack choices (was limited by the animations I had available)
- More movement choices
- A few abilities to pickup/learn
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